Thursday, 9 February 2012

Finally Friday!

We've had snow here all week, and last night the snow fell again. I love snow! I love how different the world looks when it's covered in snow, and how all the sounds are muffled. But in this country snow comes with its usual chaos, things shutting down and people panicking. We're going on a school trip to Manchester today, fingers crossed that we'll actually get there. I suspect the motorways are in a complete state of chaos.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend and a lovely Friday!

Saturday, 4 February 2012


This lovely Steiff "Keepsake" bear was added to my collection today! Cute, isn't he?


Husband and I in Paris, 2008.

It's been five years now. Feels like a lot longer, in the best possible way. I'm so happy and lucky to spend my life with him. He tells me I'm lovely, even when I feel horrible. He tells me I'm beautiful even when I look my absolute worst. He makes me coffee in the mornings when I get up and I'm grumpier than most people. He makes me dinner when I've had a long day at work. He makes me a flask of coffee when I have long evenings of lectures. He makes me hot chocolate and gives me lots of cuddles when I'm feeling vulnerable. He always makes a heart in my cappuccino.

I feel so incredibly lucky, and so excited to spend the rest of my life with this man!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Finally Friday!

I can't believe how quickly this week has gone past! I've been very busy, so I'm looking forward to a nice and relaxed weekend. Husband and I are celebrating our "anniversary" this weekend, so hopefully there will be lots of nice food and cake. The weather is so pretty and cold, it makes me happy seeing all the people wrapped up warm. I also love rosy cheeks in the cold. And being able to see your own breath!

A very lovely weekend to you all! May it be filled with happiness and lots of smiles.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Kissing and hugging and greeting and meeting

Photo: Doisneau
There is one thing that keeps causing me embarrassment and blushing cheeks, that has done so since I first came to England; greeting people. As a Norwegian I am used to simply shaking hands, exchanging slightly awkward smiles and a "Nice to meet you", and only if you're meeting an old friend or family do you give them a big hug. The distinction between who you hug and who you don't is usually pretty clear, and in a very Norwegian way (some may disagree with me here) I like to keep my distance to strangers.

Here in England there is no way of predicting how people will greet you. You would expect, shy and polite as the English are meant to be, that they would simply shake your hand with a "How do you do?" or a "How very lovely to meet you, darling". But no. Some English people will stick to shaking hands, whereas others will kiss you on the cheek- even the first time you meet them. And even worse, some will kiss you on both cheeks, which means that there's an awkward moment of "now that (s)he has kissed me on one cheek, is (s)he going to kiss me on the other?" and "should I pull back or lean forward for another kiss?" which could easily lead to an awkward kiss in unexpected places. And lots of blushing, too. Also, there are few things that as embarrassing as kissing someone who was intending to shake your hand. The English get very awkward about that. How embarrassing to not know how to greet people in a proper way!

I wish someone would have given me a leaflet on this topic when I came to study here. It would have made my life a lot less embarrassing. And why can't we all stick to shaking hands anyway?

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

"Where are we going?" said Pooh. "Nowhere," said Christopher Robin.

On Sunday we went for this walk in Ayot St Lawrence. Shaw's house isn't open this time of year, so we just went for an early afternoon walk and then had lunch in the very lovely pub The Brocket Arms. The fire was on, it was cold outside, people were having Sunday roasts with their families and a group of men were clearly having their weekly "beer and gossip" at the bar.
A very happy Sunday indeed.