Sunday, 23 October 2011


We went to Aldeburgh again this weekend, and it was as pretty as ever. Sadly my camera died after my first photo, so I had to use these photos from last year.. Aldeburgh was bathing in orange sunlight, the wind was brisk and the waves high. I took the chance to walk on the beach, breathe in the salty sea- air and look at the open skyline. I miss the sea so much. Having grown up so close to the sea, it feels really strange not hearing the sea gulls every day, and I feel trapped by the fields and lack of open water. It was wonderful to have a catch up, hopefully it won't be too long until next time...


  1. For en nydelig liten by!
    Merkelig nok at jeg aldri vært i England til tross for at jeg er meget glad i alt som britisk.

    Hugh Grant, Earl Grey-te og Vogue UK ;)

  2. Det er så utrolig mange fine små byer og landsbyer over hele England (og Skottland!) som er vel verdt å utforske. For ikke å snakke om gamle puber, god øl og tradisjonell britisk mat som også er verdt å sjekke ut... :)
