Sunday, 15 May 2011

In the wild country side...

Husband does not have a driving licence. This means that when he has concerts out in the middle of nowhere I have to drive him. I really enjoy it, as it means I get to see different parts of the country, and mostly places I would never think of going to anyway. Yesterday we went to Brockenhurst in Hampshire, just outside Southampton. Whilst Husband was rehearsing, I got to explore the area around, including the village of Lyndhurst, just nearby.
A very pretty little village.
It turns out this is where the real Alice in Wonderland is buried.
I love visiting old graveyards.
Poor 'Alice' doesn't even have her own name on her grave, she's simply Mrs Reginald Hargreaves.
As in most villages in Britain, there were more tearooms than shops. This tiny village with one main street had at least six.
And I couldn't resist the temptation of afternoon tea, of course..

Brockenhurst had more than a few houses that fit my description of a 'dream house'.

And now to the most bizarre thing; in Brockenhurst there were cows, horses, donkeys and Heilan' coos wandering around everywhere. We never got an explanation as to why, but it was very peculiar. All houses had either high fences or cattle grid to protect their gardens, but it didn't stop the animals from munching on the trees and bushes.
They also caused a bit of traffic chaos. This is taken from inside the car.

Hope you all have had wonderful weekends, with smiles, laughter and sunshine!


  1. Herregud, dit MÅ jeg dra en dag. Du aner ikke hvor misunnelig jeg er på at du bor i England :-P ååh

  2. Ja, absolutt verdt å ta en tur! Det er mange nydelige landsbyer i England.. :)

  3. Dette ser ut som England på sitt beste <3 Herlig!
