Sunday, 22 May 2011

Surprise party!

Yesterday was the day of the big surprise party for Husband's 30th. I had invited family, old and new friends to a garden party, baked cakes and arranged everything without Husband having a clue about anything. I have had many sleepless nights this week, planning everything in my head and also fearing that he might figure out what I was planning. Thankfully he didn't, and he was overwhelmed to find the house full of people when he came home. Sadly, this is the only photo from the party, as I was too busy with everything else. But it was a beautiful, sunny day, we had a barbecue in the garden, champagne and Pimm's, followed by tea and cakes and a lot of whiskey. Perfect!


  1. Nei, så morsomt! Gjorde akkurat det samme på fredag faktisk :-) En god venn av meg hadde bursdag og jeg og kjæresten hans ordnet overraskelsesfest :-) Vi hadde til og med fått bestekompisen hans fra Irland flydd over hit! Og ansiktsuttrykket hans? BEST

  2. Så utrolig bra! :)
    Jeg var så utrolig spent på reaksjonen! Alt gikk heldigvis etter planen, og det ble en super fest!
