Saturday 19 March 2011

Ranunculus are finally in season, and they're another favourite flower of mine. The flower shop down the road have them really cheap, so I have to resist the temptation to fill the house..

The sun is shining outside today, it's beginning to feel warm and I've started wearing my lighter spring coat and shoes instead of boots. It feels so lovely! I'm nursing a hangover today, after having too much sparkling last night..

Hope you're all having lovely weekends, and that the sun is shining where you are!


  1. Jeg er så glad i sånne jeg også! Skulle gjerne fylt hele leiligheta med blomster (som aldri visnet).

  2. Åh, ja det hadde vært fint! :)

  3. Nå har bloggen din blitt en favorittsidene mine slik at jeg kommer inn på den med en gang:) håper du har det bra min venn!!Obligatorisk oppmøte plikt på kafé/lunsj i påsken!:) Klem i fleng fra "siddisen"hehe..

  4. Hurra for det! Fine, fine du:) Gleder meg til å se deg! Klem
