Tuesday 23 August 2011

Looking forward

Autumn is my favourite time of year, I think. It's technically still summer, but there is already something autumnal in the air, particularly in the evenings after the sun is gone. Here are some things I am looking forward to this autumn:
- bright coloured trees everywhere.
- becoming a student again.
- getting back to normal habits and everyday- life.
- rain storms outside, candles inside.
- lots and lots and lots of tea.
- reading lots of books. I always find it hard to read in the summer, it's too hot or there are too many other things to do. Autumn is far better, and there's nothing like being wrapped up in a blanket with a book and a cup of tea.
- getting our new coffee table from the Laura Ashley sale.
- walking through the leaves in the park.
- wellies, rain coats and umbrellas.
- lots of exciting projects that I'm planning and working on. It's going to be a year of hard work!

Hope you're all having lovely summer days. Enjoy them while they last!


  1. Jeg er enig i alle disse tingene, og tanken på god bok og god te og varme tepper gjør meg veldig lykkelig <3

  2. Åh, rød og hvitprikkete regnjakke!
    Min er eplegrønn med hvite prikker :)

  3. I've always loved those boots. I can't wait to experience proper seasons again, it's just not the same here. And I really miss what you're talking about, the wrapping up with a book and tea. Just too warm to do it here. xxx

  4. Autumnal - fint ord!

  5. Ja, det er rart med det. Man lengter etter sol og sommer, men når det lir uti august blir jeg alltid utålmodig etter høsten. Luften, fargene, høstklærne, telys og bøker. Stranden i skikkelig vind og regn, varm kakao etterpå. Jepp. Bring it on!

  6. Bring it on, indeed! Ja, det er egentlig veldig greit at man lengter etter neste årstid ettersom den vi er i går mot slutten. Lengter etter å gå med lue og skjerf, utrolig nok!

    Amy: I'm sure you'll think better of it once you're back to the Scottish winter. You'll be longing for those hot days whilst walking through the horisontal rain..
