Friday 7 October 2011

Finally Friday!


Summer turned to autumn overnight with a gale-force wind, and I have packed away all my summer dresses for now, hoping that the heat will not make a return until next year. I have had a very efficient day off; cleaning the house, tiding all my clothes, getting the winter coats out and doing quite a bit of reading for my course! This weekend wil be busy with lots of work and not much time off, but I will enjoy the little moments that I'll get. I'm also hoping that I will get a little time to work on my quilting project! Weather is perfectly autumnal; grey and cold and with lots of leaves on the ground. I'm loving the fact that I can finally wear my new Joules tweed coat that I got in the summer sale.

Hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend, and a very happy Friday to you!


  1. Endelig fredag! Min begynte med å skrive litt, to store tekopper og så fikk jeg en perfekt Cambridgeveske på døra, ENDELIG. <3 God helg, nyt alt sammen - om det er fri eller planer!

  2. Så koselig det var her inne -
    og hjerteformede speilegg burde være obligatorisk hver fredag!

    (hvor kan jeg få tak i en hjerteformet panne?)

  3. Jeg bruker en hjerteformet silikonform som denne,

    og får både hjerteformede speilegg og hjerteformede pannekaker!
