2011 is almost over. I always find the end of a year a bit sad, but I'm excited about 2012! 2011 has been a great year, and I'm hoping 2012 will be even better. Tonight I will be celebrating with some good friends in Scotland, and I will miss all the lovely people who are celebrating on the prettiest farm in Norway..
In 2012 I will:
- take more photos
- get better at keeping in touch with people I don't see very often
- plan some girly weekends away
- explore new places
- dress up a lot
- wear pretty dresses and red lipstick
I'm sorry I haven't been very good at updating the blog recently. It's partly due to the fact that I've been travelling around without a camera and partly because I have felt very uninspired.
I'll try and get better at updating in the new year, but I need your help. What do you like reading about? What should I write about? Any wishes?
A very Happy New Year to all you lovely people out there!