Saturday, 6 November 2010

Those who look for treasures...

When in Scotland we always visit Steptoe's, an antique 'shop'/farm full of treasures for sale, just up the coast from Dundee and in the middle of nowhere. It's a big farm with two big barns full of a lot of things, and you can find almost anything there, if you have a few hours to spare and the patience to go through all the things. I was amazed and so happy to find this when we were there a couple of weeks ago. This used to sit on our piano at Christmas when I was growing up, and I'm pretty sure it did the same when my mum was growing up. Just seeing the front page brings up so many memories of childhood Christmases. And now it sits on our piano! Also the perfect way to teach Husband the Norwegian Christmas carols he doesn't already know...

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