Friday 1 October 2010

Finally Friday!

The weather is properly horrible today, and I secretly like it, possibly because I have the day off and have the option of not going out at all. On a day like this it might be nice to:
- sit inside, with Edith Piaf, a lovely cup coffee and some magazines
- look through cook books to figure out what to cook for our friends who are coming over tomorrow..
- watch an episode of Gilmore Girls
- put on a lovely spotty rain coat and go for a walk in the pouring rain.
- walk through all the lovely leaves on the ground
- look at the beautiful colours of the trees

Hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend!


  1. å, koselig innlegg! Mannen er borte denne helga, så det innebærer en del avslapning og litt loppis- og vennebesøk for min del! Deilig :)

  2. Høres veldig fint ut!
    God helg til deg!
