Thursday 27 January 2011

A collector's confession

I never thought I'd be one of those old ladies who has lots and lots of stuff, but I think it might be time to realise that I probably will be. When you're dreaming of a bigger house so that you can have more space for tea cups, it's definitely time for facing the facts. I am a collector. There. I've said it now. It's out there. In my defence, because I do now feel the need to defend myself, I only collect things that are special in some way, and that make me feel happy, not just random stuff. Let me explain.
Both Husband and I love books, and we have both been 'collecting' books from quite a young age. We're quickly running out of bookshelf space, but we're still buying them. Also living pretty close to a Red Cross Bookshop full of little treasures makes it very hard to stop. To me, a home doesn't feel like home unless I have at least one big bookshelf filled with books. I collect all manner of different books, old and new, but mostly bought second hand. Cheap and environmental friendly!

I have a small, but precious collection of old photos I've found in different markets. It's so interesting looking at them, making up stories about the people and events in them. Who are they? What are they doing? Where are they? It makes me feel happy to see these strangers' faces smiling up at me.
It's no secret to anyone that I am a big fan of the afternoon tea, and there are few things that make me happier on a really dull day than making a nice pot of tea, and drinking it from one of my pretty cups. I don't just collect the cups, but also nice plates, cake stands, sugar bowls or anything else that can be used together for a nice tea party. And yes, I would quite like to live in a slightly bigger house so that I could have room for more tea cups...
Tins and boxes. Husband claims that they are everywhere, which is probably a fair point, but everything is so much nicer in boxes. It's nicer to have the tea bags in boxes, rather than having the crappy card boxes lying around, or it's better to have all the little bits and bobs in a box rather than it creating a mess everywhere. Don't you agree?

In addition to all this I could probably also say, or Husband would almost certainly suggest, that I am a collecter of shoes, judging by the size of my collection, or pretty dresses, that fill my wardrobe almost to breaking point.. So I am a collector, I admit it. Is that so bad?


  1. Haha! Intervention! Jeg er overrasket over at du sakte, men sikkert, innser at det som vi andre har visst i alle år :-) Men du trenger ikke forsvare deg selv, det er bare fint.

  2. Haha! Husker du den perioden jeg samlet på ting med farge 'ikke mosegrønn, ikke gressgrønn, men litt sånn eplegrønn...'? Jeg tror definitivt tekoppene er kommet for å bli! :)

  3. Maren: Tusen takk! God helg til deg!

  4. Og det var viktig å ta hele forklaringen hver gang i stedet for å bare si eplegrønn! Og hver gang trodde du at ingen ville forstå hva du mente. Haha. Det er jo en farge i seg selv. En ganske long gone farge. En annen periode (eller kanskje det var omtrent samtidig) var vi kollektivt opphengt i turkis. Vi farta rundt i Stavanger på jakt etter turkise ting. En gang en samler, alltid en samler.
