Sunday 10 April 2011

Birthday garden party

Seeing as my birthday is at a time of year when it's not really weather for being outside, I have never had a birthday garden party before. But with this heat and beautiful weather there was no way a garden party could be avoided. I put my best dress on.
I made scones, chocolate cake and carrot cake, and put plenty of bottles of Cava in the fridge. And lots of tea, of course. Little sandwiches too. Cucumber, smoked salmon and cream cheese, egg and tomato and roast beef and rocket. Pretty little tea party. Beautiful, lovely friends. Sunburned shoulders. Party hats. Balloons. Boules.


  1. Høres ut som den perfekte bursdagsfeiring!

  2. Gratulerer med dagen! Høres absolutt fantastisk ut.

  3. Gratulerer med overstått! Høres ut som den perfekte bursdagsfest!
