Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Half a decade

I cannot believe I've lived in this city for half a decade now. It feels like a long time, and at the same time I feel like I arrived here yesterday. When I came to London on holiday for the first time when I was 13, I said to myself 'I really want to live here one day'. But I could never have imagined all the amazing things I would experience whilst living here. That I'd feel at home here. That I would speak English with a British accent. That I would get to know so many of all the little streets and secrets that this city holds. That I would meet and get married to a wonderful man. That I'd be one of those people who knows exactly where they're going, even though there's traffic everywhere. That I would get used to the sight of Big Ben. That this city would cease to be big and scary. That I would feel that this was 'my' city. That I would get to know so many interesting people. That I would meet and get to know some of my idols.

London, I love you.


  1. Så fantastisk fint og koselig å lese. Du er heldig som har blitt så godt kjent med London! For det er en fantastisk fin by, av det jeg har sett, iallefall. Jeg har vært i London to ganger og i Bath en gang, og har blitt mer og mer glad i England <3

  2. Nydelig skrevet! Jeg håper jeg finner min by en dag jeg og. Jeg skal innrømme at det er en god sjangse for at den finnes i Storbritania.

  3. Takk! :) England er veldig fint!
